African animals pictures

(Tuesday, November 8, 2011)

African animals pictures
The Dassie Rock or Hyrax are found from sea level to the Drakensberg mountains of South Africa. The Dassie must have rocks for shelter and live in.

Diet mainly vegetation such as grass, shrubs and succulent leaves. The Stone Dassie feed in the morning and afternoon. If Dassie gets enough succulent feed that does not need water.

It spends very little time to move. This is to save energy. It also allows the body temperature drops to three degrees Celsius to conserve metabolic energy. Then spend much time basking in the sun to warm up again.

The main predators dassie is a black eagle, Caracal and Leopard.

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African animals pictures

African animals pictures

African animals pictures

African animals pictures

Posted in Labels: Posted by Ali Sodikin at 4:19 PM  


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