Typical Australian Flora and Fauna

(Monday, November 14, 2011)

Typical Australian Flora and Fauna
Tropical forests and the forests are found inplace a lot of rainfall. In the forestThere are many large trees and various types ofother plants. This forest is in the tropicsa hot and humid in Queensland, incoastal areas and in eastern AustraliaTasmanian temperate, wet, andcool.In the woods, located in the tropics therevines and palm trees. ForestThis type has to do with the forestexist in Indonesia and in Southeast Asia. This isbecause the first ice age sea levelhave linked lowerAustralia and Irian Jaya, so hutanhutanThis widespread. In areas that
cool temperate and moderate, there is also a treeferns and moss in the forest and beech treesoriginating from the Antarctic continent (SeeColor image 5). Australia together withAntarctic continental approximately more than 55 millionyear ago.In areas of temperate and warmin eastern Australia, tropical forestsdiscrete tropical and temperate regionsis that cool.Many places in the tropical forests that areopened, and the remaining forests are nowincluded in the list of Conservation AreasAlam.
Animals and birds in tropical forestsCassowary, cuscus and tree kangaroosfound in tropical forests inNorth Queensland and in Irian Jaya.Couscous is also found in Sulawesi.CassowaryIf the standing height is approximately one-halfmeters. This bird can not fly andfood is fruittumbling.
Eucalyptus is a tree native to Australia. There areonly a few feet high and there are alsogiant-sized up to a hundred metersin height. Eucalyptus is a hardwood treethe highest in the world. This tree is found inregional climate is different, both in the fieldhot sand and a verythe cold. This tree is found in areas nearto the beach or in the mountains.Eucalypt fireproof. This tree hasthick skin is peeling after burning.Seeds can survive in soil or inbean tree for years.

Typical Australian Flora and Fauna
Antarctic continental approximately more than 55 millionyear ago.In areas of temperate and warmin eastern Australia, tropical forestsdiscrete tropical and temperate regionsis that cool.Many places in the tropical forests that areopened, and the remaining forests are nowincluded in the list of Conservation AreasAlam.
Indonesia is rich in extraordinary flora and fauna.This is partly due to the factthat the country lies surroundingnot just one but two regionszoological geography (zoogeography) whichlarge in the world. According to geological terms,Western Indonesia, with a tiger,rhino, and elephant, is strongly associated withother parts of Asia, while Indonesiaassociated with the eastern part of Australia.The island of Irian (Irian Jaya Province that includes)originally a peninsula of Western Australiathe north. Section rises to the surfacesea ​​when Australia shifted to the north in the directionAsia, which began about 45 million yearslast. Approximately 25 million years ago, the movementgreat in the earth's crust allowsflood of the ocean to the mainland, so thatseparates Australia from New Guinea. Since then,relations with mainland Australia became berantara(Sometimes there sometimes not).In the west of Irian Jaya, the sea is alwaystoo deep to allow forcontinuous contact between the mainland Irianwith other parts of Indonesia. This means thatthat basically have Irian faunaand flora of Australia. Here there is no tiger,rhinos, elephants and other Asian fauna thoughsome kind of Asian small fauna, such asrats have been able to cross, maybewith a ride on the plantsfloating in the sea. Irian Jaya isplace for several types of animalsoriginally from Australia. This type of covermonotrem animals such as Echidna (porcupine),marsupials such as kangaroos and cuscus,birds such as parrots and birds paradiso,as well as reptiles such as the skink (lizard)and the side-necked turtle. Plantsuch lillipili, eucalyptus trees and a lotother types, is also an evidence ofrelations in ancient times between Australiaand Irian. In addition, there is another relationshipmore striking. Nun at the height of the mountainsIrian Jaya trees grew veryclosely related species of pine treecelery-top and Huon pine species in Tasmania.These trees live only in placesMost cold and wet. At the time Australiadried for 15 million years, jenisjenisThis tree became extinct from the mainlandAustralia, and now lives only in pulaupulauthe north (New Guinea) and the nextsouth (Tasmania).Historically, the wealth of Indonesia partlyplants that rely on tradeoriginally from Australia. Cloves are the pistilflowers from plants similar lillipili, namelya type of tree found in manyAustralia. Eucalyptus oil is made from treesPaperbark, which is a another type that alsosimilar to those in Australia, whilebirds or birds of paradise paradiso alsoanimal origin from Australia, who usednever became a best-selling merchandise.

Typical Australian Flora and Fauna
The types of fauna and flora are similar to
Australia is not only limited in Irian Jaya alone
because of across the Maluku Islands, and even
up to Sulawesi, found also other types of

These plants found in tempattempat
the climate is different, such as regional
hot climates, deserts and in areas
Australia's most famous animal is
marsupial animal (marsupial) called
kangaroo (See Figure 3.12) and koalas (See
Figure 3.2).
Among the animals outside Australia the usual
is that both the platypus and anteater
is the type monotrem [ie mammals do not
toothed and perforated one to spawn and
waste water

Animals marsupials and monotrem
The mammal fauna of Australia is classified
into animals and monotrem marsupials.
Some of them are also found in Papua
New Guinea and Irian Jaya.
Marsupial animals are marsupials.
When born, the animal is hairless
and very small, less than three centimeters
in length. After birth, these animals live in
pouch and suckle its mother. they came out
from the bag when it is really quite
Animals marsupials live in places that
discrete-growing vegetation. Koala, which
can be seen in Figure 3.2, is an animal
marsupials that live in the forests of eucalyptus
and only eat daunnya.Monotrem is the type of animals that
spawn, such as reptiles animals (reptiles) or
birds, but suckle their children as

Typical Australian Flora and Fauna

Typical Australian Flora and Fauna

Posted in Labels: Posted by Ali Sodikin at 7:20 AM  


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